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Mint Thompson Submachine Gun

Colt Model 1921 Thompson submachine gun with a Type L 50-round drum magazine and four 20-round box magazines. This Thompson has the original 800 rounds-per-minute springs as offered with the Model 1921. This model was billed by the manufacturer as "the most effective portable fire arm in existence."
From the Auto-Ordnance brochure on the M1921: The Thompson Submachine Gun incorporates the simplicity and infallibility of a hand loaded weapon with the effectiveness of a machine gun. It is simple, safe, sturdy and sure in action. In addition to its increasingly wide use for protection purposes by banks, industrial plants, railroads, mines, ranches, plantations, etc., it has been adopted by leading Police and Constabulary Forces, throughout the world and is unsurpassed for military purposes.
The ideal weapon for the protection of large estates, ranches, plantations, etc. A combination machine gun and semi-automatic shoulder rifle in the form of a pistol. A compact, tremendously powerful, yet simply operated machine gun weighing only seven pounds and having only thirty parts. Full automatic, fired from the hip, 1,500 shots per minute. Semi-automatic, fitted with a stock and fired from the shoulder, 50 rounds per minute. Magazines hold 50 and 100 cartridges.